Monday, March 07, 2016

Monday observations

We've had a gorgeous couple of days, with another one due tomorrow. Highs have been around 70, sunshine, light breeze - makes you think spring might really be out there.  I went to swimming and to coffee, then to get my annual mammogram.  Remember gals, to get that done! Cards at bridge today were so-so, but I was high last week.  Amazing.

I've found a good idea for a memorial for John.  They've just started an "Urban Memorial Forest" here.  People will be able to buy a new tree to be planted, with a memorial plaque placed.  And I asked, and people will be able to put ashes in the ground when the tree is planted.  I've already sent in my request and money for a tree.  The next planting is scheduled for early April.


Re Pat Conroy's death last week:  He was such a great story teller.  On one of his interviews, he said something to the effect that he wanted to write great Southern novels, and he certainly did that.  There were always passages in his books that begged to be read aloud and shared.  The one I remember most was from, I think, "Lords of Discipline".  The mother of one of the Charleston boys says, "Yankees have no word for 'tacky', and they need one so badly." (Probably not an exact quote, but close.)

1 comment:

Captain Poolie said...

The tree garden is a lovely idea. Wishing you well.