Friday, December 09, 2016

Friday Miscellany

All I did yesterday was go to PT.  It was hard work, but I needed the rest afterward, too.  I'm about ready to give up the cane. It's beginning to be more trouble than it's worth.

Kate and Jean's box of Christmas cookies came Wednesday.  Major YUM!

A lovely, cold, crisp day here today.  And a busy one for me.  I got my mani/pedi this morning.  My gal loves to do fancy things, so I let her do some Xmas stuff for me today - a Santa Claus on my left thumbnail and a Xmas tree on the right one.  Just the usual sparkles on the other nails.

I played duplicate this afternoon.  My partner and I came in second in the "C group" (whatever that means), so I guess we did pretty good.  No really memorable hands, though.

I hope I sleep better tonight than I did last night.

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