Saturday, October 03, 2015

Sunday Stealing

Q & A Meme

Stolen from: My Random Randomness

1. What would you pick as a major, if you could go back to college and do it again?

Probably art - like I did when I did go back to college.

2. Who is the one celebrity with whom you would most like to have an indepth conversation?
President Obama

3. If you could make a living doing ANYthing, what would that be?
Being kept by a very rich, generous benefactor.
4. What’s your all-time very favorite dessert?
I really do like vanilla ice cream, or vanilla with caramel and sea salt.
5. How many pairs of jeans do you own?
Three, I think
6. What is your favorite flower, and why?
I don’t know that I have a favorite - they’re all lovely
7. What book has most changed your life?

I can’t think of one right now
8. What is your least favorite vegetable? Is there any way you can be persuaded to eat it?
I like almost all vegetables, some better than others.
9. If you could take a nonstop first class flight to any destination, where would you pick to land?
How about an around-the-world trip, with stops in many places along the way.10. If your 15 minutes of fame included a stint on
American Idol, what song would be your trademark solo?
It would be humming something - definitely not singing.11. If you could pick one former friend (who has remained elusive in this wild Facebook world) to reunite with, who would you unearth?
Margaret R.
12. You have been awarded the time off from work and an all-expenses paid week anywhere in the United States. The catch is that it must be somewhere you have not been before. Where do you choose to visit?
There are not many places in the US that I haven’t seen - lucky me! Maybe the south rim of the Grand Canyon.
13. Name three of your guilty pleasures.
I never feel guilty. If I enjoy it, I don’t feel guilty about it.
14. The best kind of cookie is:
I love Scotch shortbread and chocolate chip cookies.
15. What do you value most in other people?
Honesty, sense of humor, and a willingness to accept all people at face value.
16. Have you ever looked back at your life and realized that something you thought was a bad thing was actually a blessing in disguise?
Maybe once or twice.
17. What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited?
Oh, there are SO many. The most moving is Canyon de Chelly.
18. Are you more of a thinker or a feeler?
Some of each.
19. Name three things you are thankful for right now.
My family, my friends, 60 years with John.
20. Have you ever participated in a three-legged race?
I don’t think so
21. When you are at an event that plays the National Anthem, do you place your hand over your heart?
Of course, and I sing along, too.

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