Monday, August 18, 2008

More gymnastics

I had some fabulous cards at bridge this afternoon. I had a total score for the afternoon of over 7000 points, and the best round was then one that John and I played together (always love it when that happens).

They were showing more of the track snd field events tonight in the Olympic coverage. We really enjoy the races and other field events, but it seems they just don't show as many of those. We also enjoy the women's uneven parallel bars - although I don't begin to understand how they work out a tie. I wonder why they don't have them do the routines again and re-score them. Oh, well - not for us mere mortals to understand.

In any case, the highlight of the night tonight was the men's competition on the still rings. The strength, balance, and muscle control required for this event is phenomenal. Since he's still recovering from his rotator cuff surgery, John says that just watching the event makes his shoulders hurt. But it's always a must see for us. The photo tonight is of the still rings.

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