Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fresh vegetables - for better or worse.

I went to a farmer's market at a local church and the commercial fruit stand this morning. I picked up some beets with tops, fresh romaine, teeny potatoes, strawberries, little yellow squash, some pole beans, and a couple of tomatoes. Looks so good. I'm going to have a yummy salad for lunch.


That’s what I wrote this morning - then nothing seemed to go right with the goodies. The salad was good. I fixed the beans and put them on to cook. Then, of course, I dozed off, and they burned. I was going to roast the beets and cook the greens. The beets didn’t work - I don’t know what I expected, but they didn’t seem to get done - or look even remotely edible. The greens were okay, but nothing special.

The teeny potatoes were very good. I cooked them in the oven with a pesto of fresh basil, garlic, olive oil, and salt & pepper. And the pork chop I pan fried was delicious - how can you go wrong with that - although today it might have been a possibility.

I didn’t cook the squash - probably a good thing. And the strawberries I sampled were good. They’ll be good on our waffles in the morning.

So much for my fresh-vegetable-weekend.

The view up the Mobile River

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