Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, John!

Happy Birthday to John today! As usual, his birthday is right after Thanksgiving. He was born on Thanksgiving Day, and the family joke was that his mother never forgave him for keeping her from her turkey dinner. And his birthday has never been on Thanksgiving Day since then.

Thanksgiving was originally set for the last Thursday in November. At that time, there was almost no Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. In the depths of the Great Depression, in order to allow more time for shopping, it was decided to have Thanksgiving earlier, and it was changed to the fourth Thursday in November. So the closest he can get now is the day after Thanksgiving - no turkey with candles for John.
No snow at our house. The rain finally stopped, though, but it stayed grey and gloomy all day. Sleeping late, an hour-long deep massage, and a 2-hour afternoon nap helped pass the day. Wonderful!
Lovely youngsters from a school for traditional Cambodian dances.

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Harriet said...

Well, happy birthday to John! I bet most people can't remember when Thanksgiving was the last Thursday in November. The change confused people for years; but I guess that doesn't happen any more.

Lindy said...

Belated wishes to John. I hope he enjoyed his mincemeat pie. I baked cranberry-mincemeat for my birthday (on Monday) and it was yummy! I'll share the recipe if it sounds like something he'd enjoy.

Mary Z said...

That sounds great, Lindy. We love cranberries, too. I usually just use the mincemeat out of the jar - or maybe add some chopped apple.

Lindy said...

Mary, I was able to find the recipe online, so I won't retype from my recipe card. The only change I made was for the top crust of the pie. Rather than egg, I brushed the top with a little bit of milk and then sprinkled granulated sugar on it. Super-easy to make - I used the pre-fab pie crust rolls and mincemeat from the jar. It tastes really yummy when it is still a little warm from the oven. I like your idea of adding chopped apple. I'll have to try that next time around.


Mary Z said...

Thanks, Lindy - I always use the rolled pie crusts, too. Sounds good!