Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The second debate

It is actually raining here tonight! Not much, and we're not going to have anything to put towards relieving our drought, but it is something, and it really feels like fall outside. It'll just be for Wednesday and Thursday, and then the temps go back into the 80s. Welcome to Tennessee!

We watched the debate tonight. John asked me for a one-sentence observation. All I could come up with was "not a game-changer". John's was that neither actually won the evening.

The pundits seem to think that because McCain didn't do anything spectacular, it's more of a loss for him. He (McCain) didn't do anything to jump him in the polls. And, by the way, I HATE polls (in every way I can imagine). Another one said that the debate really didn't matter at this point - the events of the last couple of weeks were just too momentous and overshadowed all else.

My favorite comment, though, was from my friend, Essie's, blog. She wrote:
McCain is interesting to watch without the sound. It makes me notice things like his expression. He is tight-faced, like a cranky senior citizen. His expression says “my hemorrhoids hurt”. Obama’s body language is easy, relaxed. He moves like an athlete. The audience is very quiet, sitting stiffly in their chairs. Only a few of the questioners seem comfortable reading their questions into the mike. Perhaps they should have hired pinch-readers.

And I love this photo, titled "The Real Debate".

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