Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Zen of Wal-Mart

If it's Thursday, it must be Wal-Mart. Oh, joy! Oh, rapture! Going to the grocery store - my favorite thing. I used to get so angry while I was at the store. Then a very wise friend told me that she felt the same way, and in fact, was angry before she even got to the store. Aha! A clue! Now that I knew that, the annoyances of grocery shopping didn't seem to bother me as much. Now it's just something to be tolerated. I go into an altered state, and go through the store on auto-pilot. How ridiculous to assign such importance to such a mundane chore.

And just now, I had another enlightening moment. Maybe it all goes back to being a hunter/gatherer, and it's deeply ingrained in my genes. Oh, c'mon, Mary, get real!

The carafe I ordered to replace the one I broke last week came today. We have come to enjoy our afternoon lattes. I bought two replacements, so now I have a spare.

John corrected my caption of yesterday's picture. It couldn't be "ancestral puebloan" because the pictorgraph is of a horse. The early people in the area didn't have horses until they were brought by the Spaniards. The drawings were done by the early Mountain Ute people.

Today's picture is one John took of our Mountain Ute guide talking about the pictographs.

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