Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Painting went much better today. We all got involved in doing stuff. I got a great present - the instructor gave me a small original piece similar to one I had admired at her show. We’re thrilled with it!

John cleaned up the porch this afternoon. It was SO full of pollen and dust. He went over it first with the leaf blower, and then we took everything off it, and he washed it all with the hose. I hand washed some of the stuff, put some in the dishwasher, and did a load of wash for the stuff that could go there. I'll finish getting it put back out tomorrow. So it can get dirty again.

Hey dog lovers! Here's a movie for your Netflix queue. My Dog, Tulip is an animated British film - quirky, funny, delightful, beautifully drawn. We had no idea what it was about and were totally charmed. Get it now!

1 comment:

Poolie said...

Thanks for stopping by my journal! Hope you make it to my museum when you come visit!