Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Patch, patch, patch....

Yesterday was doctor appointment day. And now, appointments are done. No problems with the FP - even the blood pressure was good. Now that Medicare is paying for physicals, she's got me scheduled for that in December. The oncology surgeon has dismissed me, so she'll be doing the breast exams and ordering the mammograms from now on, too.

Not quite as good at the eye doctor. He said it looked like some cataract formation in the right eye. I said "again???" He was assuming that I'd not had that eye done - but I did have cataract surgery on both eyes. So who knows what that means - wait for a while. He was more concerned (as am I) about an increase in the markers for glaucoma in the left eye. He wants another exam in three months this time to see who that's going. Oh, well - as we know - it's patch, patch patch.
Class #2 of the acrylic workshop was today. Sandra Paynter Washburn is a very good teacher, a nice lady, and I love her paintings. It's good to be back to painting again.

Angkor Thom

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1 comment:

Harriet said...

Interesting style of following a patient. I have not seen the surgeon in years, but the oncologist is a different story. He saw me twice a year until I passed the five-year mark and still schedules me for a yearly exam.

Meanwhile, the radiologist examines me after my annual mammogram, and they share their findings with my primary (with my permision). Though I have the best oncologist in the state, I believe there are still things that none of them know.