Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March Miscellany

I slept really well last night. Then this morning, I developed an incredible muscle tightness along my right shoulder blade. Imagine that - possibly something about driving in the early morning fog getting out of Charleston, or driving through Atlanta, or clapping for two hours at the finals on Monday. Hmmmmm - let me think. John's been really good at finding that point tenderness and working on it. That plus the heating pad has helped.
Getting caught up on recorded programs, we watched last Friday's NOW and Bill Moyers' Journal. On NOW, David Brancaccio posted the question: "What do you think is the greatest threat facing our democracy?" My answer?: "Allowing the erosion of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our civil rights by the administration." What's yours?
Word Riddle! The English Language

Okay you brainiacs, here is a brain teaser for you. What nine letter word in the English language is still a word when each of the nine letters is removed one by one? Any guesses? Answer tomorrow. (Thanks for this one, AWB!)
Just for fun (or for the pain and suffering), give this one a listen..
Click here.
Today's photo is a lovely March Morning at Charles Towne Landing, Charleston, SC.

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