Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Tuesday miscellany

Not a whole lot going on around here today. After missing a grocery trip last week, I really did need to get there today. Nothing like getting back in the rut. We went to dinner at O'Charley's with Tina and Missy, and that was fun.
I heard the news about the new Harper Lee novel, and will be preordering it.
Did y'all see the wonderful full moon tonight? Our weather guy told us that we'd be able to see Jupiter just to the left of the moon. Really spectacular.
John and I both have bad knees and were wearing knee braces today. His was the left, mine right. We might be able to do something in a three-legged race.

1 comment:

Bev Sykes said...

LoL..I understand about the knees. Walt is too damn healthy still. He has no concept.