Tuesday, June 24, 2014

No sleep

Last night wound up being an all-nighter of no sleep. I finally got a couple of hours from 5-7 a.m. I took a short nap this afternoon, but managed to to stay up most of the day. Jean had suggested Benadryl (which didn't work last night) and melatonin. I got some melatonin at WalMart this morning, and will give that a try tonight. In my web-surfing during the night for melatonin, I read that as we age, melatonin production slows and/or ceases. Also that surgery can greatly disrupt sleep. So I'm into those things.

We'll see how it works tonight.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

One of the more common reasons for wakefulness is mild pain, often so mild you don't realize it's there.

If I suspect that, I will try some Tylenol, which usually gives me several hours of uninterrupted sleep. On the other hand, I have no problem with sleeping in or napping in the afternoon, since I am (mostly) not responsible for anyone else.