Monday, June 03, 2013

Frustrating Monday - at least parts of it.

Parts of today were pretty good (3), and parts really stunk (2).

Swimming and coffee were great, as usual.  John had a $2-off coupon at Panera for a salad, so we went there to eat.  I had their chicken cobb salad with avocado.  It was excellent, and huge. 

I had absolutely terrible cards at bridge - the worst I've had in a long, LONG time.  It's good to know that they will eventually get better, but it was a real downer - to keep getting hands with 3 and 4 points. 

And, although I think I'm getting closer, I'm still not able to get a particular photo uploaded to the blog.  Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  This, too, will pass.

Hope springs eternal.

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