Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

I hope your Thanksgiving Day was a good one; that all your food was good; that all your football teams won; that maybe you even got a little bit of exercise.

As with most folks, our Thanksgiving menus seldom changes. It's the old "tradition" thing. But I did several things different this year. We're having our turkey dinner Friday (usually we have it on Saturday). I cooked the turkey this morning. I cooked it "unstuffed" (I put an orange, an onion, some rosemary, and fresh ginger in the cavity for moisture). The dressing is made and ready to bake. The taste-testers pronounced both turkey and dressing quite good. It's one of our favorite meals.

Kate and Andy got here in the early afternoon, and got settled in and helped with some of the cooking. Wayne smoked a ham for us, and we had that for dinner tonight. Yum!

Sue, Paul, and Sarah came by briefly. They had come to TN to have dinner with Sue's in-laws, and went back home after they came by here. It was good to see them - and they'll be here again before Xmas.

Margaret and Bobby had dinner with Bobby's family, and then she came here, with her contributions to dinner. She brought green beans, and will be making a peach pie.

Thanksgiving is family time, and it's great to have ours safe and happy. The only thing that would make it better would be to have Jesse back home. But he'll be home in a few months, so we'll just have to wait.

Today's google picture is a typical turkey dinner (definitely not ours - we'd NEVER have broccoli).

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