Tuesday, May 06, 2008

"Electile Dysfunction"

And the campaign for the nomination continues. Dear Dalton - thank you for giving us the diagnosis - ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION. This process has really gotten out of hand - it's WAY too long.

We had another gorgeous spring day today. But the rain deficit for the year keeps growing, and, of course, that has to be added on to that of the previous couple of years. I have to say, though, that we've gotten enough along the way that our grass is growing. I surely am glad that we have somebody doing the yard for us now.

Have I showed you any of the greeting cards that I've been painting to sell? Each is different - this is an example.

BONUS QUOTE: The louder he talks of honour, the faster we count our spoons. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

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