Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Summer again

Well, summer is back again - high was 96 today, and prediction for 94 tomorrow, and no rain. I know we'll all be glad to see the end of this summer. And then we can complain about winter. It was ever thus......

It was a "Happy Feet" morning. I went for a pedicure. I know it's considered a luxury, and it surely does feel good. But, on the other hand, I really can't get at my feet to care for them properly. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!!!!

Vicki started her students on fall paintings this morning. There were two new students - one completely new, and one who has moved from the evening class to morning. It was nice to have some "new blood" and new ideas. It's always amazing to have a single, simple still life set up, and have every painter see and paint something different. We started the "hanging" for the Gallery Hop on Saturday. I have some more pieces to take from home tomorrow.

Today's photo is one of John doing "his thing", taking pictures of other tourists with their cameras, so they can all be in their picture. This is in front of the Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow, Scotland

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