Tuesday, December 03, 2013

More dreary days

Another day of drizzle, grey skies, etc., etc.  At least we're not predicted to get what's predicted for just a bit north of us.  They're talking about an ice storm along the Ohio River Valley in a couple of days.  That should get Kate - and they just had one of those a few years ago. 

John got his new Kindle Fire today.  He's put a number of games on it, and is working on learning to use it.  At least, this tablet is actually working, and isn't nearly so frustrating. 

I'm going to have a laser procedure on my eye to remove a secondary cataract tomorrow morning.  I have no idea what's entailed and what sort of reactions or restrictions I'll have.  Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

I'm sure you'll be fine, but I'm sending good wishes anyhow.