Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Not again!?!

Never a dull, damn minute! I’ve done it again. I went out to get the paper, and tripped coming up on the porch. No blood, but I landed on my left shoulder. @#%$^&* I couldn’t get up, of course, and finally woke John up banging on the door. The EMTs got here, and got me to the ER @ 7:30. I was the only patient. IV, check-in, and x-rays, then diagnosis. Broken humerus, just below shoulder.

Sent me home with strap/sling, Rx, and to see orthopedist on Thursday. Still lots of pain, but I’m not shy about taking meds. At least, it’s the left side. And there’s 18 days before the next trip.



Harriet said...

Oh, I agree with every word you indicated without saying! Your humerus...you're going to find out just how much you use it over the course of a day.

Side note: my son had a stupid teacher who taught the kids that the humerus was part of the shoulder girdle (along with the clavicle and scapula). Be grateful she was wrong; that would be really bad!

Jennifer said...

Oh, that stinks! I'm glad you're on the good drugs. Here's to quick healing!

Captain Poolie said...

Oh my gosh! No! Ladeeeee!