Saturday, July 02, 2011

We're here!

We’re here - just a long trip (8 hours). We’ve had our shrimp, crabs, and fish for dinner tonight (YUM), and gotten stuff cleaned up. The talking is going hot and heavy tonight - getting together with folks we haven’t seen since last year.

We stopped in Clanton, AL, at the peach place. But just for a snack (can’t resist their peach fried pies and peach ice cream). We really didn’t have room for anything else in the car, and Sue brought peaches from South Carolina.

I haven’t been down to the water - too much to do getting settled in, but it looks wonderful. No sign of last year’s oil, or the smoke from the fires east of us.

I’ll check in when I can - but fading fast now. It’s been a long day.
Angkor Thom, Cambodia.

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1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm absolutely drooling at the thought of fresh peaches. Hope you have a fabulous time.