Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I had my appointment with the rheumatologist this morning. He agreed that it was time to do some tests and they did some blood work and x-rays in the office; ordered an MRI for Thursday. They want to see what’s going on, hoping to rule out spinal stenosis, and/or other problems. Depending on that, he might refer me to a back specialist. He also renewed my meds - two I get locally (for pain and a muscle relaxant) - I’ll pick those up in the morning.

Then on to more errands. Aldi - didn’t get there yesterday, I had only $15.00 in cash and no quarter to get a buggy. Marshall’s - would love to find another skirt or dress - no luck. Vegetable stand for tomatoes, peaches, squash. Bank to make deposit. Got a small nap this afternoon, and will be going to bed early tonight.
The iconic towers of Angkor Wat.

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1 comment:

Harriet said...

When Costco used to have the deposit-for-a-cart system, I used to keep a quarter taped to my membership card. I guess we all should keep a quarter in pocket or purse, just in case.