Thursday, January 14, 2010

Busy Wednesday

I have gotten word that my cousin's son in Haiti is all right - but no other information. That was a relief! But the terrible tragedy continues to become apparent.

Tomorrow, my laptop will be going to the Geek Squad and then either to the hospital or the morgue. We shall see.

We had a lovely evening, with Vicki, Roger, Allan, and Tina coming over for dinner. I served lasagna, green beans, Italian bread, and a tossed salad. Then a fresh fruit salad and a Pepperidge-Farm-cookie assortment for dessert. A good easy meal for me (all done ahead), and wonderful company for conversation.

I finally got back to the computer, and found that Sarah has gotten an internship with a law firm in Houston for the summer. She is SO excited. Our dear friends in Houston helped her make the contacts. But this will be her first real foray into the legal world. Congratulations and good luck, Babe!

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