All the paint I slung around yesterday did turn out pretty well. With a little tweaking, I wound up with two pieces on canvas (can go together or separately) and two acrylics on paper. Not a bad day's work, but then I do tend to work in spurts. I'll try to get some photos this time.
It's been an interesting couple of days in the political arena. We had to love that life-time Republican Senator Arlen Specter moved to the Democratic party. And that he gave as his reason that the GOP had become so single-minded and dogmatic that it would rather lose the election than tolerate any difference of opinion. It's great to hear someone finally say that.
President Obama held a prime-time press conference on the occasion of his having completed 100 days in office. What joy to hear this man speak. It's not necessary to agree with everything he says or proposes, and nobody expects that. But this man is SO intelligent, and he thinks, and speaks his mind, and can think on his feet to answer specific questions. It's really a refreshing change.
And this is another view of the pink building.
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