It was a half-and-half kind of day. Busy morning, and very slothful afternoon and evening.
Sue, Randy, and Sarah got up, got breakfast, got ready, and headed off to their western Kentucky wedding. I hope everything went well. I don't know if they'll stop on their way back home, but we'll see them in a couple of weeks in any case.
Margaret brought lots of tomato juice and other canned stuff, and we had to find a place to put it. She cleaned out the floor in the pantry, and we threw away lots of junk. The tomatoes fit nicely on the floor, and they're very accessible. What a treat! I hate for the girls to come over and work. However, I DO love the results, and truly appreciate the help. Thanks!
John did his exercises and, other than that, we were pretty much worthless the rest of the day.
Next Saturday, 14 June, is World Wide Knit In Public (WWKIP) Day. Nothing had been organized for Chattanooga, until Essie started talking about it. Knitters will be knitting in two places - 10:30 - 12:30 at Niedlov's Bakery on E. Main Street in Chattanooga; moving to the Green Life Grocery Food Court at 12:30. Come knit a few rows if you're in the area. Thanks, Essie!
And today's picture is, of course, my hands knitting on Kate's sweater.
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