Saturday, July 12, 2014

Sunday Stealing, etc.

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One Thing .....
that makes you smile:
I can’t come up with one thing. Family and friends are high on the list.
that makes you cry:
Just about anything - I’m a good cry-er.
that you love to do on the weekends:
I’m retired - not too much difference between weekends and weekdays.
that you do for only yourself:
Get a manicure and pedicure
that you have in your underwear drawer that's NOT underwear:
I think there is only underwear in that drawer.
that you do before going to sleep:
Write my blog.
that you do within the first 15 minutes after waking:
Bathroom, start the coffee, breakfast
that's in your purse:

that you actually LIKE to clean:

that you DETEST cleaning:
that other people would find odd about you:
That I enjoy time by myself.
that you would buy if I handed you a $100 bill:
Maybe some nice fancy yarn.
that you feel you HAVE to do before you die:
I’ve done so much - I don’t know what I’d put on this list.

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