Friday, May 30, 2014

Another day .....

Wish we’d get some rain. There are lots of “popcorn” showers around us, and we hear lots of thunder, but so far, no rain in about 10 days or so. Doing it now, in fact.

It’s been fun. I got lots of antibiotics in the hospital because of the joint replacement. Despite my loading up with yogurt beforehand, I started up with a yeast infection. I had a diflucan pill that I’d had stashed away, and took that, with good results. Then I realized that I was starting a plain old UTI. Well, @#$%^^! I had some AZO, which took care of most of the symptoms but, of course, not the real problem. I finally got in touch with my family doctor this morning (she called me from a training session), and she called me in an Rx for more antibiotics and another Rx for diflucan. Sighhhhhhhh!

But the shoulder seems to be doing fine.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

Darned shame that a shoulder should interfere with the rest of your body. I think you should give it a good talking-to!