Sunday, February 09, 2014

Busy Saturday

It’s been a long day - a good one.

The Lady Mocs played at the old gymnasium on the UTC campus. They were displaced by the monster truck rally being held at the arena. It’s a much smaller venue, so it sounded much louder. The gals played a great game, rolling over Appalachian State 69-41. However, an hour and a half on bleacher seats was not good for the back or the butt.

The duplicate group was playing tonight, and I had thought we’d be eating out and then going to bridge. But the game was over earlier enough that we came home. That gave us a good break - with John getting in a short nap, and my getting some pain meds.

Duplicate was interesting again - a learning experience. We had a couple of bidding glitches, but played pretty well. The scoring and some of the mechanics are still confusing - that’ll come with time, I hope. I have no clue as to how we did - guess we’ll find out in a day or so. We’re going to be taking a Road Scholar course on bridge next month, so I guess that’ll be the deciding as to whether or not we continue to pursue this.

I’m looking forward to staying home all day Sunday.

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