Sunday, February 23, 2014

At the Book Sale

Bev, in her blog Airy Persiflage, writes about her days working at the Logos Bookstore in Davis, CA.

Today, John and I worked at the Friends of the Library Book sale, the opening shift from noon to three. We usually work a shift or two during the 3-4 sales the Friends have in a year. This sale was in a store front at the mall near our house.

There were two customers today that we went home laughing about. My favorite was the lady who came in after Sunday lunch at a nearby national chain restaurant. She had a carry-out box, and asked if she could leave it in the “hold” area while she shopped. We asked if she had enjoyed her meal, since she was bringing home the leftovers. She made a face and said “No, it was awful!” I couldn’t stop myself - my immediate question was, “Well, why are you taking the leftovers?” She replied, “I hate to waste food.”

John’s favorite was the lady with the bucket-shaped purse. One of the workers complimented her on it and noted that bucket purses seemed to be very popular this year. The lady, while showing us, said, “It’s shaped like this because it has a holster built into the side. Your pistol fits perfectly. You can shoot right through the purse if you need to. I got it at Shooter’s Supply and they guarantee the bag. If you shoot through it, they’ll replace it. And I’d use it, too.” Well, that was pretty much a conversation stopper. We’re sure she had her gun with her, too - always a necessary accessory at the library book sale.

Who knows what our shift on Tuesday evening will bring?

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