Saturday, February 02, 2013

Small accomplishments

We decided to go to the Y this morning - John in the fitness center, and me in the pool. While we were there, it started snowing like a son-of-a-gun! Oh, well, we said - it probably won't stick.

Guess what.

When we came out, all the streets were covered. Fortunately, the idiots were driving fairly slowly. But when we got to our neighborhood, three cars were blocking the first hill we had to climb to get home. John turned around, and went into one of the back roads to our subdivision. There are lots of ups and downs to get there. But the hills coming in the back way are less steep, and he managed to get up and down, with only one slip. It was coming downhill to our house, but he did that okay, too, and parked in a driveway across from our house. It was a relief to get home.

And then, of course, the sun came out. It was just for a few minutes, but it did warm up enough to clear off the streets. It was a pretty snow, but was gone before we could get out to get some pictures.

Now that it’s cooling back down overnight, the wet places will freeze again, so there will be some treacherous places on the streets in the morning. But we don’t have to go anywhere, so no problem for us.

I took the opportunity to make this year’s supply of split pea soup.
The pot is out on the porch cooling overnight. When it warms up tomorrow, I’ll get out for some freezer bags, so we can get it in the freezer. At least we did get something accomplished today.


Jennifer said...

Split pea sounds great. And I love when Southerners talk about snow. We take it so for granted, that it isn't even a discussion unless it is in huge amounts. It makes me smile.

Harriet said...

I woke up to snow this morning. No one is going out, so I had to retrieve my newspaper myself.

If we had more than a quarter of an inch, I'd be surprised. But we expect more tonight; that's probably the storm you had.