Saturday, July 12, 2008

Michael E. DeBakey, M. D. (1908-2008)

Dr. Michael DeBakey has died. He was one of the pioneers of open heart and bypass surgery, and responsible for many of the early innovations in the procedures. He helped turn Baylor Medical School into a world-class institution. My father was on the faculty of Baylor when it first moved to Houston right after World War 2. DeBakey was a good friend of my parents many, MANY years ago. Click here for the Associated Press Obituary.

We did have a good, if brief, visit with Sue last night. She was stopping in on her way to Margaret's and then to Nashville. They're going to a Fostoria glass show and sale in Nashville. Sue's gotten hooked on Depression and "elegant" (1940s) glassware. Sue has called and they had a great time at the show - and even bought a few pieces.

John and Matt went rowing this morning - another time for him to get on the water, and special because Matt asked John to take him.

We watched the fouth and final episode of the Ted Koppel series on China. Absolutely fascinating! Do try to find this series on one of the Discovery channels. It's well worth the time.

Today's photo is the way I remember seeing Michael DeBakey.

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