Thursday, September 07, 2017

September Thursday

It's looking now like Irma will be heading up the US East Coast.  Sarah (granddaughter in Bluffton, SC) has already headed to her parents' house in the NE corner of South Carolina.  Paul (grandson in Charleston) works in the same building with the Emergency Response Center, so has access to all the latest updates.  He says he has plywood for their windows, and is prepared to head for the Upstate when/if the situation warrants. Our 7-day forecast just up on the Weather Channel shows us getting wind and rain on Tuesday with just rain on Wednesday.  So I guess that'll be when the edge of Irma is predicted to get here.

Jean came in yesterday for a couple of days.  She took me downtown this morning to the glass-making place.  I've been wanting to take the last of John's ashes there to get some small pieces of glass made with them.  Parking there is all-but-nonexistent, so I needed somebody to let me off and drive around or find a place to park.  She managed to find a parking place, so was able to help a lot.  We also got to go to the Sculpture Fields to check on John's two trees.  Both seem to be doing well.  She'll head back home tomorrow.

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