Thursday, December 13, 2012

PT and music

The therapy supervisor measured my range of motion today (which is pretty good), and gave me several new exercises to increase the active range - stuff with resistance bands. She asked me to gauge where I thought I was in relation to when I started - with 0% being where I started and 100% being where I was before the accident (or where I wanted to be). Hard to judge, but I said I thought I was about 70-75%. With only myself to go by, I think that’s pretty good for not quite two months after the replacement. These new exercises are tough, but I know I need to do them, increase them, and to add weights to the ones I’ve been doing if I want to get that additional 25%.

We went to String Theory tonight at the museum. There were only two pieces, and by composers unfamiliar to us. The first one by Kirchner was not one we liked - just too unmelodic and atonal. The second selection was by Korngold, and although contemporary and unusual, it was one we liked. All in all, this is such a great series and such an asset to our city.
This is probably my favorite back street picture from Codrfu, Greece.

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