Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Busy, busy!

A busy day, and a good one.

I went for my next-to-last (so far) scheduled physical therapy treatment. The therapist says I have 100% passive range of motion, and am doing well working on the active part. She’s added 1-2 pound weights to various exercises. And I’ll keep working in the pool, too.

Vicki had a holiday drop-in around noon-time. She’s a wonderful cook, so the food was terrific. It’s always great to see her, and we got to see some of the old crowd from Vicki’s Studio II painting classes. It was very special.

Tuesday has been my usual grocery day, so I decided to go do that when I got home from the party. Not my smartest move! Both Aldi andWalMart were really crowded, with long lines at the check-outs. Oh, well - I’ll take that as an object lesson.

I hope you NCIS fans saw tonight’s program (“Devil‘s Trifecta“). It was SO funny! As much as we love this program, I can’t remember the last time we laughed out loud so many times. If you missed it, watch for the reruns, or pick it up On Demand. And even NCIS-LA was funny. I don’t know what got into them tonight.


To us, the best part of this travel is walking around the back lanes of these towns (Corfu).



Harriet said...

I read a preview and thought, "Diane...I don't remember a Diane." Poor McGee. He's just too nice. They should have parked her with Ziva.

Mary Z said...

It wouldn't have been nearly as funny if they had put her with Ziva - they got along too well. Right at first, we howled when Fornell said "It's our wife!"