Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Service to our community

In the January 31, 2011, issue of Newsweek Magazine, General Stanley McChrystal wrote an article about the concept of national service. In Step Up For Your Country McChrystal argues that “All of us bear an obligation to serve - an obligation that goes beyond paying taxes, voting, or adhering to the law.”

Examples given in the article include Americorps, City Year, Habitat for Humanity, Peace Corps, and Teach for America. When we were in Iceland last year, it was lovely to see that school kids were expected to help in their communities during their school holidays. They were doing things like tending park flowerbeds, performing at museums and tourist attractions.

Give this article a read - and check around in your community to see if there is any way you can serve your area that suits your talents, time, and interests.
This is the market/tourist town of Burford, in the Cotswolds.

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1 comment:

Harriet said...

I agree with the concept, and I always have. But it is so lost in this day and age that many of the old volunteer chores are not available. The heads of many organizations don't get it any more.