Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Catching up to normal.

We’ve gotten about an inch of snow on the grassy areas tonight. The streets are wet now, but that’ll freeze overnight as the temp goes down. It’ll be ever so dangerous before the sun comes up. Glad I won’t be up and around then.

I got all the important stuff done today. We went to the Y, to coffee, and got haircuts. I got to the rheumatologist for followup lab work, and made clam chowder for supper. Catching up on the computer and watching some recorded shows finished off the day. Wow! I’m exhausted. 8^) I’ve saved the newspapers for tomorrow.
These are two views of the interior of Saints Mary & Edburga, Stratton-Audley



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Kate posted this on Facebook. I guess we ALL feel this way.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oooh, icy roads are so terrible. It's a good thing you've got coffee and some newspapers to help you pass the time. Glad you had a great trip. Sorry you're back to gross weather.