Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another busy day

The Friends of the Library secretary and I got some preliminary work done for November’s annual meeting. I have to get some additional information sent out for the stuff to be printed, and will do that in the morning.

I met with Vicki, Judy McC, and a couple of other painters for lunch at a little local café - I had a wedge of spinach/mushroom quiche and a small salad - but then I blew it all with a lemon square for dessert. Yum!

And I even cheated on dinner. I stopped on the way home and got a rotisserie chicken. We do love them, and I always get at last three meals out of one, plus cooking down the bones and skin for broth. It’s definitely a bargain in this house.

We’ve been doing more work on the photographs from our trip. We’ve managed to move John’s photos into my computer, and now I’m in the process of getting all the photos in chronological order, so we can have his and mine together. It’s not hard, but it is tedious. Fortunately, we’ve also figured out how to show the photos on the TV, and that makes it SO much easier to edit. The hardest part is going to be editing the zillions of photos we took at Stonehenge.
In the meantime, these are crab shacks at Tangier Island, VA.

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