Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Day in Three Parts

Part 1: The guys from EPB came about 8:15 or so to install our new fiberoptic bundle. They finished up with the installation in about 1 1/2 hours, and then watched for another half-hour while we talked with the tech guy at EPB, getting the mail to download through John's Windows e-mail program. We had one small glitch because I had not gotten the e-mail address correct, but we got it straightened out.

Part 2: We decided to go to the Thursday lunch, and drove over there - but nobody else showed up. We skipped lunch there, and went to the other side of town to get our haircuts. I had gotten the time wrong, and Rose wasn't there (not my day). So we headed on home. A nonproductive circuit of town. I got the address book copied into the new e-mail program, and sent out a change of address e-mail.

Part 3: I was due to pick up Allan Stypeck, the speaker for the Friends of the Library annual meeting. John and I met him at the airport and took him in to his B&B downtown. He got settled into his room, and then we took him out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. He's a delightful man, and we talked easily about family and travels and activities. After dinner, I drove him around downtown Chattanooga for a bit, and then took him back to his "home". I'm looking forward to hearing him speak tomorrow.

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