Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunday Stealing - Halloween version

ghost: what would you like on your tombstone? I don't plan on having one - maybe just a lovely tree.
dracula: are you afraid of aging? or death?
Not really - maybe just the process.
nosferatu: what, as a child, did you imagine went bump in the night?
I don't remember anything.
godzilla: what do you do when you are angry? are you ever destructive?
I used to occasionally throw things.  Now I just shout obscenities.
the blob: do you collect anything? if so, what & why?
Over the years, I have collected owls, penguins, and flamingoes.  Now, I'm working on getting rid of thing.
zombie: when was the last time you trusted your gut? was it successful?
I think when I decided to put some of John's ashes at the base of a new tree in the Sculpture Fields.
mothra: what is something dangerous that attracts or fascinates you?
I'm not into anything dangerous.
king kong: what are some questionable choices you've made lately? I'm sure there have been some, but nothing comes to mind.
alien: what is your strangest feature? My feet (yuck!)
cthulhu: do you like the ocean? why or why not?
I LOVE the ocean.
nessie: have you ever felt invisible to people -- the feeling of not existing?
I'd like to be invisible sometime, just to eavesdrop.
mutant spider: what is one of your biggest fears?
Being totally dependent on others.
werewolf: if you could change into any nonhuman animal and back at will, what animal would you change into and why?
A pet belonging to any of my daughters.
golem: if you could make up an imaginary friend, what would they be like and why?
Three others to play bridge with.
leprechaun: what is your "pot of gold" (or white whale, if you'd rather)
My wonderful family.
sharktopus: what is something you've done that was ridiculous or a bad decision?
Can't think of one specifically.
robot: what is a habit you do without thinking?
I can knit socks without thinking much about it.

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