Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthday #3 - ME!

I had terrible cards today. In the last progression (45 minutes), our opponents had THREE 700-rubbers, including two slams, for a total of 4420 points in something like 8-10 hands. We played one hand and were set. I think we set them once. Grim!
We got our 2010 Census Form today. It is filled out and ready to be returned to the Census Bureau. We were surprised at the tiny amount of information that was asked for. The only things asked for were the number of people living at this address; whether we owned the dwelling (rented, or had a mortgage); the names, ages, birthdates, and races of people living at this address. We had expected many more questions.
It’s not really funny, but….
One of the stories on our local news tonight was about a guard dog from a local establishment that got loose and literally ATE the front bumper and tires off a police car. You may think this is far-fetched - even with film of the damaged car. HOWEVER, this has actually happened. Margaret’s dogs, Alice and Maypop, ate the tires and fenders of her van. She assumed that they had cornered a raccoon or some other critter up under the car, and tore it apart trying to get it. I told her that I just would’ve liked to hear the phone call with the insurance adjuster. Life really IS stranger than fiction.
And today is the third birthday.
Happy Birthday to Me!
This dome is in Lyons, NY.

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