Sunday, September 27, 2009


We've had a glorious day in TN today - in the 70s with fairly low humidity - lots of sunshine. Lots of surfaces in our house were covered with mildew when we got home - and we did have the a/c on - just turned up fairly high. The basin in the de-humidifier was full, of course, and it had cut off. Even John's car was all mildew-y. Yuck!

I'd love to have a big HD TV this week for the Ken Burns programs on the national parks. I know that'll be lovely. Remember how we thought that it was so great to see Bonanza in color??

Walmart was a breeze this morning - didn't take as long as I had feared. And the wash has been done and put away. It's been really quiet otherwise.

Alison & Joe will be in South Carolina for a week - arriving next Thursday. We'll be going over there for at least an overnight sometime while she's there. We'll wait until after John sees the doc on Tuesday before we make any decisions as to timing. John's sure the doc will take an x-ray, say it needs more time, and leave the cast on for a few more weeks. We shall see. I see my radiologist on Tuesday for my annual visit to him. I don't expect anything unusual there - but it's always something to worry about.

Matt & Amanda have bought their first house and moved in over the weekend. I'm sure we'll stop in to see them on our way back from SC - just for long enough to oooooohhhh and aaaaahhhh over the new home. They're so excited about it.

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