Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Rain on the roof

Last night was one of those “I can’t get to sleep” nights. It wasn’t all bad. I found the HDNet channel, and I got to watch the original Sabrina, one of my favorite movies. I DO love that dress (if you know the movie, you know the one I mean).

Even sleeping later than usual, I got to the grocery stores this morning, but it was early (9-10). The crowds weren't too bad, and I didn‘t have much to get.

Shortly after I got home, it started to rain. And we've had rain all day - even thunder - but nothing severe, so far. I’m really glad it’s fairly warm. This would be awful if it were cold and this were snow.

It is nice to go to sleep with the sound of rain on the roof.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

Rain on the roof is nice; I won't hear it any more, as I'm on the 19th out of 20 floors. But I do get the rain -- and the winds -- against my windows. It makes me grateful to be inside.