Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We got more chores marked off the lists today. We've gotten haircuts and the car washed. John's been to the liquor store to stock up (both to take with us for the weekend, and for the folks who are coming home with us after the wedding). Tomorrow is laundry, some cleaning, changing the beds, and packing. Boy, I'm glad I don't have any responsibilities as far as the actual wedding is concerned. Margaret tells me that we don't have to go to the rehearsal (just the rehearsal dinner). Works for me!

There was an excellent program on PBS tonight,Depression - Out of the Shadows . There is a lot of the various kinds of depression in our family, and this program is definitely worth watching. It's a 90 minute documentary, followed by a 30-minute panel discussion with several psychiatrists. If you missed it, and can't find a rerun on your local station, I'm sure it's available to watch on line.

At this stage in the primary process, trying to settle on a Democratic candidate for president, we have such an incredible choice. I didn't really make a choice between these two candidates, and will enthusiastically support whichever one is the Democratic candidate. At this point, I think it's time for Hillary Clinton to withdraw, and to continue being the excellent U.S. Senator that she has been to this point. Who would have thought that Teddy Kennedy would survive and prosper to become one of the grand old men of the Senate? I think it's possible for HClinton to assume her role as a mover and shaker and influential member of the Senate. And to complete her exceptional career in public service in that job.

Today's photo is a little one watching the penguins at the Tennessee Aquarium.

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