Monday, May 05, 2008

Dealing with wetness

Monday was pretty much routine. Wal-Mart was full of grumbling mumblers this morning. They're in the process of moving things around - something all stores seem to do with some regularity. Obviously, this is just a ploy to make the customers "see" different things. All it seemed to be doing today was pissing people off. I never did find a couple of things on my list. And the cards at bridge today were REALLY bad!

On the way to W-M, I had to stop at the Verizon store. Yesterday, while doing the laundry, I noticed something thumping in the dryer. I didn't think too much about least until I started to fold John's cargo shorts. They were way too heavy. Oops - he'd left his cell phone in the Velcro-closed phone pocket. Sighhhhhhhhh The folks at the Verizon store said we could leave it out in the sun to try to dry it out, but they didn't sound too optimistic. I went ahead and bought a new phone. John still wants to try to get the old one working again. If he does, we'll take the new one back. Fingers are crossed.

If we're going to have to deal with water, I'd rather it be salt water. Only a little more than six weeks before we go to the beach. The photo is from the Atlantic, rather than the Gulf.

Bonus: There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else. -Gen. Peyton C. March (1864-1955)

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