Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Update for Tuesday

Jean's doing better, has left the ICU for a regular room. She might be able to leave the hospital. She sounds much better on the phone and says she feels a lot better. Some of the pneumonia is due to working conditions, (her building has just been completely renovated with all those new building fumes, etc., plus an ongoing problem with a nearby coworker who is always heavily perfumed), so I don't know what will come of that. Her supervisor is aware of all the problems, though, and they've been trying to find solutions. Leroy’s (her dog’s) previous “foster mom” is going to be taking care of him until after the holiday and she’s feeling better.

My grocery store trips were interesting today - especially done in the continuous, cold rain. I left my purse on the counter in Aldi, discovered it when I got to WalMart (in a great parking space) , then had to go back for it. Fortunately, it had been turned in and nothing missing. Back to WalMart (in a lousy parking space). Then as I was leaving, a guy came up in the parking lot and wanted to talk to me about my “Vote Democrat” bumper stickers - so there we stood, in the rain, chatting away. Oh, well. John got home right after I did, so he carried all the groceries in for me. But then I got my biweekly massage, and things looked better.

The rain has mostly stopped, the temperature if about 40, and it’s supposed to snow tonight. We’ve decided not to try to go to the Y early in the morning, so I just don't care what the weather does.


When the Thanksgiving preparations get you down, you can always count on Margaret and Helen to brighten your day. 

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