Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mount St. Helens

Our next stop was the Port of Kalama, WA, for a short bus trip to Mount St. Helens. If you don’t remember the eruption in 1980, click here for a refresher. This was our third visit to the mountain and the recovery is always striking. We were first there in 1990 (our first trip to the Northwest). The second trip was on our trip with the camper following the Lewis and Clark Trail in 2003.

It’s an amazing place. I’m so glad we were able to see it again.

1 comment:

l'empress said...

My daughter has some jewelry made of "Helenite," which is basically green glass produced by the volcano's eruption.

I do remember the event, although it was a little anticlimactic from this side of the country. The mountain had been rumbling for some time before it finally blew.