Monday, May 31, 2010

Working Monday

This Monday got to be right busy. John rowed early, and I went to WalMart for the usual grocery run.

And then the fun started. John got into the annual screened porch/deck cleaning. Getting rid of the winter muck and the pollen is a major project. Furniture needs to be moved; rugs rolled up and aired; the leaf blower needs to be used to get rid of the big chunks;"stuff" needs to be dusted and washed (washing machine and dishwasher); surfaces need to be scrubbed. It's definitely an all-day event. But it finally got done. We even threw a bunch of stuff away (always a good thing).

I got more of the inside stuff tended to. And, as a special treat, Matt and Amanda came by on their way back to Atlanta. Amanda found some art to take with her, and Matt got to show off his new car - so we were all pleased.

John's headed off to bed early. And I'm wondering whether this stopped up nose and head and hoarseness is a spring cold or allergies.

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