Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Variety is a wonderful thing.

Today, I guess, was a miscellaneous kind of day. We had a good swimming class - as usual. One of our group will be moving away in a couple of months - and we always hate losing one of our own.

The Wednesday painting group is a good one, as are they all. One of our number there will also be moving away. (What IS this???) She's a real sweetie, and insisted on having us all to her house for lunch today. It's always fun to get together with a group out of the usual sphere of the group.

John went to the hospital for his preadmission testing and information session. He's having a repair of a torn rotator cuff on 31 January. We'll need to get him at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. that morning, and his surgery is scheduled for 8:30. I should be able to take him home by midafternoon. We'll get additional information for followup and physical therapy and/or rehab after the surgery. He's surely getting impatient to get this over and done with.

There were two excellent programs on PBS tonight - both parts of series. The first one was The Pioneers of Television. Tonight's program was on Game Shows. Other programs have been on Late Night Shows, Variety Shows, and SitComs. It has been quite interesting to see the history and development of each genre.

The second series was on The Jewish Americans. My knowledge of Judaism is minimal, and this series has been so informative. I was unaware of so much of this history and it is so rich. It's been great for me to have this learning experience. If you have the chance to watch either of these series, make the time.

Today's picture illustrates some of the history of the Ute Mountain Tribe in SW Colorado.

1 comment:

William J. said...

Hi Mary

The painting in today's post is that yours?

I also make a note so that on January 31st I will be thinking of John and sending good thoughts.
