Thursday, July 26, 2012

Heat, yard, etc.

95 was the actual high today, and it was still 85 at 11 p.m. That, of course, means really high humidity. Ugh!

John mowed the brown stubble this morning, and managed to roil up a yellow-jacket nest. He hurried in with one sting over his eyebrow. I gave him some benadryl and put cortisone cream on the spot. Unfortunately, he's sure he brought a couple inside with him - but we haven't seen any sign of them so far. He did find their hole and sprayed it thoroughly, then again this evening. I wish he’d start getting somebody else to do the yard work, but he says he’s not ready to do that … yet.

It was good to get back to the painting class yesterday. It’s is an advanced, experimental class in acrylics and mixed media. The focus this session is learning to work in a series (using similar sizes or colors or subject matter, etc.) It's definitely something I need to work on. I'll try to be better about taking photos and posting them on the blog. Click here for my instructor's website.
Venice canal-side from a vaporetto.

1 comment:

Captain Poolie said...

Wasp stings are nasty! Hope you find your "roommates" soon!