Wednesday, September 14, 2011


If you saw this license plate - I L V T O F U - what would you think it means?

What it make any difference if I told you this lady who requested this vanity plate was a vegetarian?

She was denied this plate by the State of Tennessee, and several other states. You can read the story in
The Tennessean.
And, I’m sorry to have two stories to read on, but I think this needs to be said. One of the first essays in the current issue of Newsweek is by Paul Begala (an advisor in the Clinton Administration). In this piece, Begala talks about the good things that only the federal government can do. And why we should remember these things and keep telling others. Click here to read the short essay.
Laundry day on the Mekong River.

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1 comment:

Harriet said...

Begala is not wrong. FDR's administration put certain restrictions in place to protect the economy. They worked well enough that people felt safe; I have been worried ever since big business began asking to have the restrictions lessened.

I can't fight it any more.