Saturday, April 04, 2009


It was a gorgeous day today - definitely a day for garage sales and lawn mowing (not for US, of course) I was one of the jurors for the contest our photography club sponsors for area high school students. Lots of good photos to look at. Plus they gave us lunch - just sandwiches, but good ones. It's always interesting to see what these teenagers "see" - they're SO creative and uninbited.

Allan went apartment hunting today - with the intent of finding a place this week. And he wound up putting down a deposit on an apartment in the same complex he lived in when he was here before. He'll be getting over twice the size of apartment as he has in NYC, for less than half the price. He's got lots of business appointments set up and contacts to meet over the week. So he's really going to make the move - and is looking to be moved here by the end of May. Of course, it's a major step for him, but his living expenses will be SO much less, even considering that he'll have to have a car.

We went out to a local bistro last night - sort of a birthday party/music event. It was mostly fun, but way, WAY too crowded and noisy for our tastes. We left right after the birthday cake was cut. And we'll probably be "otherwise occupied" if any such invitation comes again. We enjoy the people and would like to get to know them better, but any conversation is impossible in those circumstances. You think we might be getting old???? Nah!

The men's basketball final on Monday will be between Michigan State and North Carolina. It should be a good game.

The photo tonight is of one of my paintings called Reflection.
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